Can it be analyzed?

Season 1 ¡ Episode 6


Challenge of consistently producing quality content.

Have you heard of systematically approaching thinking -

While intuition can provide a hunch or spark that starts you down a particular path, it’s through data that you verify, understand, and quantify. - ⁠⁠

It is by sorting through data and framing it within the context of our goals, expected outcomes, the internal materials and essence and the environment and it’s factors that we get insights.


How it can help us: (2 -3 min)

  • consistent model for comparing technology and social impact
  • save time by allowing for faster content production
  • provide with visual show notes framing the discussion
  • act as a tie breaker
  • however, cannot be the sole mechanism
  • and needs to be evolved

Experience visiting Finland and coming in contact with “Systematic Approach to Innovative Thinking”. TRIZ, which stands for “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving” in Russian (Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadach), is a problem-solving methodology and toolkit developed by Genrich Altshuller. Story of ⁠⁠

  • Contradiction Matrix
  • Substance-Field Analysis (SFA)
  • Ideal Final Result (IFR)
  • 40 Inventive Principles
  • Trends of Technological Evolution
  • Functional Analysis

Luhmann’s ⁠Zettelkasten method⁠

Domain Driven Design

  • ⁠⁠
  • ⁠⁠





  • Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
  • Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
  • Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA)
  • Social Return on Investment
  • ⁠⁠ among all possible alternatives, society should pick the alternative which maximizes the sum of the utilities of all individuals in society

What are important parameters or lens’s we want to understand the world from?

Principles of Triz:

Other important systemetic approaches in technology

Product - lean canvas

Marketing - Segmentation Targeting Position

Society and Brand - AIDA, Archtypes